ESG Global All Cap UCITS ETF - (USD) Accumulating (V3AA)

NAV Price ()
Market value ()
Number of stocks

About this fund

Fund objectives

  • The Fund employs a passive management – or indexing – investment approach and seeks to track the performance of the FTSE Global All Cap Choice Index (the “Index”).
  • The Index is a market-capitalisation-weighted index composed of large-, mid-, and small-cap stocks of companies located in markets around the world. Market-capitalisation is the value of a company’s outstanding shares in the market and shows the size of a company. The Index is constructed from the FTSE Global All Cap Index (the “Parent Index”) which is then screened for certain environmental, social, and corporate governance criteria by the sponsor of the Index, which is independent of Vanguard.
  • The Fund promotes environmental and social characteristics by excluding companies from its portfolio based on the impact of their conduct or products on society and / or the environment. This is met by tracking the Index.
  • The Index excludes stocks of companies that FTSE Russell, as both the sponsor of the Index and the data source, determines to be engaged or involved in, and / or derive revenue (above a threshold specified by the Index provider) from, the following activities: (a) Vice Products (i.e., adult entertainment, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, cannabis); (b) Non-Renewable Energy (i.e., nuclear power, fossil fuels (including power generation from oil, gas, and thermal coal)); and (c) Weapons (chemical & biological weapons, cluster munitions, anti-personnel landmines, nuclear weapons, civilian firearms, and conventional military weapons). The index methodology also excludes companies that, as determined by the Index provider, are involved in severe controversies (i.e., companies which do not meet the labour, human rights, environmental, and anticorruption standards as defined by the United Nations Global Compact Principles).
  • The Fund may hold securities which do not comply with the ESG requirements of the Index until such time as the relevant securities cease to form part of the Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position.
  • Where FTSE Russell has insufficient or no data available to adequately assess a particular company relative to the ESG criteria of the Index, such companies may be excluded from the Index until such time as they may be determined to be eligible by FTSE Russell.
  • Company product and conduct involvement is monitored on a yearly basis by the Index provider and as new data is made available to the Index provider.
  • In this regard, the Index is consistent with the characteristics promoted by the Fund.

Fund facts

Share class inception
23 Mar 2021
Listing date
25 Mar 2021
Investment structure
Share Class Assets'
Total Assets
Risk indicator
Asset Class
Investment method
Index ticker
FTSE Global All Cap Choice Index
Dividend schedule
Legal entity
Vanguard Funds PLC
Register countries
Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.

Sustainability-related disclosures

  • This product promotes, among other characteristics, environmental or social characteristics, or a combination of those characteristics as specified under Article 8 of the EU SFDR.
  • Refer to the “Sustainability-related disclosures” document at the top of the webpage for the detailed disclosures in accordance with SFDR.


Total Returns (net of fees)


Risk and Volatility

As at 31 Jul 2024

Annualized Tracking Error
1 year
3 years
5 years

Please note Beta and R-squared data will only display for funds with 3 full years of history.

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.

Portfolio data


As at 31 Jul 2024

Number of stocks 5,905 8,491
Median market capital 107.2 B 107.2 B
22.3 x 22.3 x
3.0 x 3.1 x
18.9% 19.6%
16.5% 16.5%
Portfolio turnover rate (As at 30 Jun 2024) 2.5%
Market allocation

As at 31 Jul 2024

CountryRegionFundBenchmarkVariance +/-
United States of AmericaNorth America 65.16% 65.12% 0.04%
JapanPacific 6.13% 6.12% 0.01%
United KingdomEurope 2.83% 2.83% 0.00%
Taiwan, Province of ChinaEmerging Markets 2.45% 2.45% 0.00%
CanadaNorth America 2.26% 2.26% 0.00%
ChinaEmerging Markets 2.25% 2.26% -0.01%
SwitzerlandEurope 2.19% 2.19% 0.00%
IndiaEmerging Markets 2.07% 2.08% -0.01%
AustraliaPacific 1.72% 1.72% 0.00%
GermanyEurope 1.71% 1.71% 0.00%
South KoreaPacific 1.36% 1.36% 0.00%
FranceEurope 1.31% 1.36% -0.05%
NetherlandsEurope 1.18% 1.18% 0.00%
DenmarkEurope 0.89% 0.90% -0.01%
SwedenEurope 0.80% 0.80% 0.00%
Holdings details

As at 31 Jul 2024

Holding name% of market valueSectorRegionMarket valueShares
Apple Inc 4.64600% Technology US $33,980,016.64 153,008
Microsoft Corp 4.47389% Technology US $32,721,245.25 78,215
NVIDIA Corp 4.00638% Technology US $29,301,925.02 250,401 Inc 2.50062% Consumer Discretionary US $18,289,074.74 97,813
Meta Platforms Inc 1.49886% Technology US $10,962,400.21 23,087
Alphabet Inc 1.45132% Technology US $10,614,723.66 61,879
Alphabet Inc 1.22778% Technology US $8,979,732.15 51,861
Broadcom Inc 1.05163% Technology US $7,691,430.24 47,868
Eli Lilly & Co 0.98353% Health Care US $7,193,390.88 8,944
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 0.98293% Technology TW $7,188,986.92 253,000

Prices and distribution


NAV Price (USD)
At closure 06 Sep 2024
Market value (EUR)
At closure 06 Sep 2024
NAV 52-week high
At closure 07 Sep 2024
Market value 52-week high
At closure 07 Sep 2024
NAV 52-week low
At closure 07 Sep 2024
Market value 52-week low
At closure 07 Sep 2024
NAV 52-week difference
At closure 07 Sep 2024
Market value 52-week difference
At closure 07 Sep 2024
Outstanding shares
At closure 31 Aug 2024
Historical Prices


Inception date

23 Mar 2021

Listing date

13 Apr 2021

Date NAV (USD) Market price (EUR)
06 Sep 2024 $6.0936 €5.4780
05 Sep 2024 $6.1698 €5.5610
04 Sep 2024 $6.1822 €5.5970
03 Sep 2024 $6.2162 €5.6570
02 Sep 2024 $6.3190 €5.7210
30 Aug 2024 $6.3240 €5.6950
29 Aug 2024 $6.2738 €5.7030
28 Aug 2024 $6.2780 €5.6420
27 Aug 2024 $6.3069 €5.6510
26 Aug 2024 $6.3012 €5.6490

Distribution history

Distribution frequency

Historical performance

All dividends are reinvested for the "Accumulation" shares.

Purchase information

Currencies and stock exchanges

Listed currencies: MXN, EUR, GBP, CHF, USD

Base currency: USD

Exchanges: Bolsa Mexicana De Valores, Deutsche Boerse, NYSE Euronext - Amsterdam, London Stock Exchange, SIX Swiss Exchange, Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Fund codes

  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3AAEUR
  • Bloomberg: V3AA NA
  • Exchange ticker: V3AA
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AA.AS
  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3AAEUR
  • Exchange ticker: V3AA
  • Bloomberg: V3AA IM
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AA.MI
  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3AACHF
  • Bloomberg: V3AA SW
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AA.S
  • Exchange ticker: V3AA
  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3AAEUR
  • Bloomberg: V3AA NA
  • Exchange ticker: V3AA
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AA.AS
  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3AAEUR
  • Bloomberg: V3AA GY
  • Exchange ticker: V3AA
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AA.DE
  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3AAUSD
  • Bloomberg: V3AA LN
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AA.L
  • Exchange ticker: V3AA
  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3ABGBP
  • Bloomberg: V3AB LN
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AB.L
  • Exchange ticker: V3AB
  • Ticker iNav Bloomberg: IV3AAMXN
  • Bloomberg: V3AA MM
  • ISIN: IE00BNG8L278
  • Reuters: V3AA.MX
  • SEDOL: BMB6903

Product Detail Meta data: Author mode

Port Id:9470
Product Type:
Author Environment: true